Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment

Pressure Injury Prevention and Wound Management

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    More than 2.5M people in the U.S. develop pressure injuries annually²

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    12K-40K USD per pressure injury (on average, one pressure injury costs 10,700 USD)³

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    Pressure injuries add 3-7 days to patient stays

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    Total wound-related costs for pressure ulcer patients were 70% lower for those treated early with 3M V.A.C.® Therapy vs. late*,5

  • *In a retrospective study of 372 chronic pressure injury patients with a Skilled Nursing Facility stay, early Negative Pressure Wound Therapy initiation resulted in lower wound-related costs than late use of NPWT, supporting previous published benefits of early initiation of NPWT. Each patient received at least 1 charge for NPWT HCPCS code (E2402). Includes patients on V.A.C. Therapy only.

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What difference can the right solution make?

It can mean your patients getting back to life, which is why it means so much to us. From foam dressings and polymer-based skin protectants, to Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT), each 3M solution for your PI prevention and wound management program is designed to help address the complexities of PIs across care settings.

Start transforming clinical and economic outcomes for your patients today with clinically backed solutions from 3M.

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Prevention solutions

According to the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), facilities should institute a preventative care regimen to cleanse and protect the skin from moisture.6,7

Prevention and treatment solutions

Recent clinical research9 supports the effectiveness of multilayer silicone foam dressing in protecting the skin as part of a pressure injury prevention program.

3M™ Tegaderm™ Silicone Foam Dressings

Treatment solutions using NPWT

Consider using NPWT as an early adjunct therapy for managing Stage 3 and Stage 4 pressure injuries. NPWT has been used as a first-line treatment for wounds.

V.A.C.® VERAFLO™ Therapy

Support healing with versatile advanced wound care solutions

If the goals of NPWT have been met or an alternative is desired, advanced wound dressings that promote moist wound healing require less frequent dressing changes, making them a cost-effective option for pressure injury treatment.⁴


  • Solutions for Your Care Setting

    3M understands each type of care setting faces unique challenges. Learn more about how 3M’s pressure injury prevention and wound management solutions impact your facility’s needs.

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  • References:
    1. Health Research & Educational Trust (2016, January). Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers (HAPU) Change Package: 2016 Update. Chicago, IL: Health Research & Educational Trust. Accessed at
    2. AHRQ National Scorecard on Hospital-Acquired Conditions Updated Baseline Rates and Preliminary Results 2014–2017. https://www.ahrq. gov/sites/ default/files/wysiwyg/ professionals/quality-patient-safety/pfp/ hacreport-2019.pdf. Published January 2019. Accessed July 1, 2019.
    3. Asmus R, Bodkhe R, Ekholm B, Thayer D, and Bradley J. The Effect of a High Endurance Polymeric Skin Protectant on Friction and Shear Stress. Poster presentation at the2018 Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Las Vegas NV and 2019 National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Annual Conference St Louis MO.
    4. Coyer, F., Gardner, A., & Doubrovsky, A. (2017). An interventional skin care protocol (InSPiRE) to reduce incontinence-associated dermatitis in critically ill patients in theintensive care unit: A before and after study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 40, 1-10.
    5. .Law A. Economic value with V.A.C.® Therapy: Effect of early versus late initiation of negative pressure wound therapy on total treatment and wound-related costs. Analysis conducted on insurance claims data by Axia Ltd. 2015.
    6. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Quick Reference Guide. Emily Haesler (Ed.).EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA:2019
    7. National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel. 2014 Guidelines. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: A Clinical Guide. Accessed at
    8. Demarre L et al. (2015). Factors predicting the development of pressure ulcers in an at-risk population who receive standardized preventive care: secondary analyses of a multicentre randomised controlled trial. J Adv Nurs., 71(2):391-403.
    9. 3M data on file. LAB-05-385368.
    10. 3M data on file. EM-05-291517.