Survey Insights

  • Signs of hope spring from science

    In 2021, we are counting on science to restore and rejuvenate our lives as we embark on the road to recovery. As the vaccine rolls out in Singapore and around the world, for the first time in almost a year, hope is on the horizon, and it sits squarely on the shoulders of science.

In 2021...
  • 92%

    Agree that science brings hope for the future

  • 92%

    Agree science will make 2021 a better year than 2020

  • 83%

    Agree science will make life better in the next five years

The correlation between hope and science isn’t limited to our desire to reinstate the close human connection, such as travelling and spending time with friends and family. Hopefulness at this moment includes priorities that science can solve for beyond our health.

  • In light of the pandemic…

    84%           We are more environmentally conscious

    92%            Scientists are critical to our future well-being

    65%           Scientists and medical professionals are inspiring a new generation to pursue a STEM-based career in the future

  • Trust in science reaches highest levels in four years.

    In many ways, hope may be an outcome of the trust we have placed in science over the past 12 months. Trust in science one year into the pandemic, is higher than in the 2020 Pre-Pandemic survey  [92% vs. 87% respectively].

    At the same time, trust in scientists remains at the highest level we have ever seen it since tracking began [84%].

  • We are putting our biases on the backburner.

    As trust grows, we appear to increasingly favor science over our personal beliefs and biases, as evidenced by a 5-percentage point drop in the percentage of people who only believe science that aligns with their personal beliefs from the 2020 Pre-Pandemic Survey.
  • Not only have we become more attuned to the impact science has on the world, but we are also speaking up for science.

    69%           Defend science when someone is questioning it 

    84%           There are negative consequences to society if science is not valued

  • Increased trust in science may have influenced our pandemic behavior.

    We largely believe in following scientific recommendations to contain the spread of COVID-19—and a significant majority of us conform to always taking these recommended actions to stay safe during the pandemic:

    88%           Wear a mask in public settings

    75%           Avoid large gatherings

    68%           Frequent hand washing

  • But will our newfound trust in science last?

    One year into the pandemic, it is too early to predict whether our renewed interest in science will cool off once we emerge from COVID-19, but there are some early indicators of susceptibility:

    66%           Believe the growth in science appreciation will continue beyond the pandemic

    34%            Predict science appreciation won’t last/or are unsure

  • The pandemic has reinvigorated interest in science and renewed focus on STEM.

    92%           Agree the world needs more people pursuing STEM careers

    64%           Have been more inspired to pursue a STEM career due to the pandemic

  • Diversity in STEM: Big problem. Big priority.

    Fall-out from the pandemic, coupled with mainstream social justice issues, has ignited the focus on inequities for under-represented minorities.

  • 67%           Believe underrepresented minorities often lack equal access to STEM education

    88%           Believe we need to do more to encourage and retain girls in STEM education

  • With more diversity in STEM, science would achieve greater global collaboration between scientists, more innovative ideas, and new and improved approaches to existing research techniques.

    With women of color leading gender equality in STEM education, and many institutions focusing their efforts on greater diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM, we are proud of the direction the world is taking in achieving greater equity.

    93%           Agree corporations should play a key role in improving diversity within STEM fields. Of those who believe corporations should be involved in supporting STEM education, the top actions corporations are expected to take include providing grants/scholarships to underrepresented students (48%), hosting programs like internships, summer camps and workshops to help students pursue STEM (46%) and creating resources for kids to get involved in science (45%).

  • The pandemic has opened our eyes to sustainability issues—and solutions for climate change are urgently needed.

    We are more concerned than a year ago about climate change (79%), air pollution (76%), intensifying natural disasters (75%) and ocean plastics pollution (74%).

    93%           Agree we should follow the science to help make the world more sustainable

    Unlike other countries around the world, compared to younger generations, Baby Boomers (57+) in Singapore over-index when it comes to believing that the pandemic has made them more environmentally conscious (93% Baby Boomers vs. 85% Gen X, 82% Millennials, 75% Gen Z). Similarly, 86% of Baby Boomers (57+) in Singapore say they are more concerned with climate change than they were a year ago (vs. 78% Gen X, 78% Millennials, 75% adult Gen Z). 

While the pandemic ranks in the top of the list of issues people most want science to solve, the rest of the issues are all environmental.
  • Scientific collaboration is critical and in light of the pandemic, people in Singapore want more investment in science. Cross-border and public-private sector collaboration are priorities. 

    Our exposure to countries sharing scientific knowledge and resources during the pandemic may have magnified the awareness and importance of cross-border collaboration. This applies to the private and public sectors as well, with a majority believing there should be more collaboration across public/private sectors to advance science [94%]. We can also deduce that the public sees a correlation between the impact of science, scientific funding, and policy.

  • 95%            Believe countries should collaborate to create solutions based on science as the world faces major challenges like the pandemic and climate change

    93%           Believe that in light of the pandemic, science needs more funding/ financial support

  • Corporations are expected to help, and given events over the past six months, the top 3 priorities people most want corporations to address are:

    1.     Collaborate with governments to advocate for regulations/policies that help solve global challenges (58% ) 

    2.     Prepare for future pandemics (54%)  

    3.     Invest in innovations that mitigate the effects of climate change (44%) 

  • And to build a more sustainable future, specific actions companies should take, are:

    1.     Use recycled and renewable materials in products developed (67%)

    2.     Use renewable energy sources to power their facilities (66%)

    3.     Reduce the amount of plastic used in products (66%)

    4.     Reduce waste created by facilities (64%) 

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    Learn about the reasoning and intent behind conducting the State of Science Index survey

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